

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




On Study of Oral English Teaching in Chinese University
      ---Based on the Analysis of CEF and CLB2000

Abstract:With the broadening of globalization and rapid development of economy, the relationship between China and other countries becomes closer in politics, economy, culture, science and technology, etc. At the same time, the demand of people who have high level of spoken English competence becomes more. Therefore, the importance of cultivating students' speaking English competence becomes increasingly prominent. But the current situation of our oral English teaching is not so satisfactory, the circumstances of our English Learners is not so optimistic.
    From the perspective of the world, many countries in succession have made the language proficiency scales, such as FSI scales ( the Foreign Service Institute ) and ACTFL scales ( the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language ) in the United States,  ISLPR scales ( International Second Language Proficiency Ratings ) in Austria, CLB benchmarks ( Canadian Language Benchmarks ) in Canada, CEF benchmarks ( Common European Framework of Reference for Language: Learning, teaching,and assessment ) and ALTE benchmarks ( The Association of Language Testers in Europe) in Europe. The analysis on the foreign language benchmarks are not only beneficial for developing common English benchmarks in China, but also useful for our oral English teaching.
Based on the analysis of CEF and CLB2000 which have significant impacts on the world, this paper aims to introduce some strategies for English teachers to develop the spoken English competence of Chinese learners. By this way, our oral English teaching can be improved. Through this, we can make English be as a real tool for interpersonal communication and make students get rid of the embarrassed situation,
"mute English". 

Keywords: Oral English competence; language proficiency scales; CEF; CLB2000; oral English teaching
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Appendix :

      学校:_________ 专业:________年级:______性别:_______ 


1. 在英语听、说、读、写四项基本技能中,你认为哪项能力最重要?(  )
A    听       B   说       C   读      D   写

2. 在英语听、说、读、写四项基本技能中,哪项为你的最强项?    (  )
A    听       B   说       C   读      D   写

3. 经过大学英语阶段的学习,你的英语口语水平如何?               (  )
A 可以就不同话题进行正常交流     
B 对于熟悉的日常会话,可以游刃有余;对于不熟悉的话题,交流起来有些吃力
C 由于各种因素限制,交流不顺畅,但是仍可以使会话继续
D 与人交流有一定困难,不能正确表达自己的意思,经常陷入尴尬境地
E 根本就听不懂对方在说什么,对话无从展开
4. 你认为自身英语口语能力差的原因是什么?                      (  )
A 对英语口语没兴趣                  B 今后工作用不到,对口语不重视
C 缺乏自信,不敢说英语,害怕犯错误  D 考试不用考口语,口语好不好无关紧要
E 缺乏真实的情境,说不出口
5. 你认为提高英语口语能力有何必要?                           (  )
A 无需提高                         B 今后可以找个好工作
C 更方便与人交流,了解彼此文化     D 顺利通过CET-4、CET-6的口语考试
6. (1) 大学阶段,英语口语课开设的时间?                     (  )
         A 未开设    B 1年   C 2年   D 4年
   (2) 平时英语口语课是如何开展的?                        (  )
         A 以老师为主体,老师说学生听    B 老师给定一个topic,学生轮流发言
         C 针对特定话题,分组讨论        D 学生自主选择话题讨论交流
7. 你平时是如何训练自己的口语能力的?                        (  )
   A 在教室、湖边自我训练          B 经常参加类似英语角的活动
   C 与同学用英语简单会话          D 模拟重要领导人演讲,跟读VOA、BBC英文节目
   E 看电影、听英文歌曲练习口语    F 平时不练习,只在英语课上说说

8. 你对英语口语课的意见或建议:

