

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



   [关键词] 员工培训;发展状况;对策

Beijing Xing Hao United Properties Limited staff training and research program management
Abstract:The development of human society is an eternal theme .In today's coverage of science and technology developed in the information age, social progress and economic development increasingly depends on modern science and technology, culture and knowledge level of development. But in the final analysis, it depends on the knowledge of modern science and technology innovation and its carriers -- people. Human resources as the first special resources and economic resources With the social and economic development of the modern science and technological progress, and they more demonstrate their important status and role. On the full potential of the mining and use has become a modern high-speed economic growth of powerful leverage. In addition, enterprises in the development of today's society are faced with all kinds of shocks and challenges. This will require the enterprises of the staff should have good skills and qualities to adapt to the change. Therefore, the success of staff training can become the key to long-term development.
Based on the management, human resources management, organization theory, the theory of knowledge based on theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, described the human resources involved in the training aspects systemly. It intrducts the human resources management and training theories generally, then puts the learning organization that is a newer theory, and gives a clear explanation about this theory. Analysis in the study found that lack of previous training, and human resources training in the case of the lack of their way to give added. This can contribute to Xing Hao United Properties Limited staff training and training effectiveness evaluation and further development of research, and business people to explore the potential of staff and the entire team to improve learning ability, creativity has a good guide.
Keywords: employee training;development;strategy
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