

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Analysis of Individual Difference in the Significance of the Junior High School Oral English Teaching  Abstract
  Individual difference is the phenomenon which is under the interaction of genetic factors and environment in the growth process and makes the individual identical in physical and mental characteristics. The aim to understand the individual difference is that the organization can do their talent to fulfill their duties. This article focuses on analysis of individual difference in the importance of oral English teaching, in order to further explore the relevance and importance of the junior high school oral English teaching and promote the development of oral teaching. The paper is divided into six chapters; the first part is the introduction section that introduces the overall significance of individual difference in oral teaching. The second section describes the meaning and influencing factors of individual difference. The third part analyzes the current situation and shortcomings of the junior high school oral English and in Part IV the significance of analysis of individual difference for oral teaching is referred in detail. The fifth section describes the particularity and importance of the junior high school oral English teaching.  While the last part deeply explores analysis of individual differences in the importance of junior high school English teaching.

Key words:  individual difference; oral English teaching; significance
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