

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:新型农村社会养老保险制度    资金筹集   筹资模式    经验教训
A new type of rural social endowment insurance system financing mode
Abstract:The town worker endowment insurance in our country has been set up, and in the reform of the perfect got gradually. At the same time, have entered into the population aging points. Rural society endowment insurance system designed to benefit the people, to ensure that our country population accounts for most of the rural social stability of the social security system occupies a very important position. This paper, from the our country's rural social endowment insurance system present situation, the author analyzes the establishment of rural society endowment insurance is the necessity and urgency. Then begin discusses endowment insurance system is an important link of the fund-raising, focuses on the analysis of endowment insurance financing pattern options. Social endowment insurance fundraising from the domestic and foreign experiences and lessons of exploration suitable for China's rural social endowment insurance fundraising mode. Put forward our country's rural social endowment insurance shall establish points area, mutiple level endowment insurance system, and fair effectively undertake aged people basic life safeguard.

Key words:A new type of rural social endowment insurance system,Fund raising,Financing mode,experience

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