

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




On the Citizen Participation in Public Administration
Abstract:The citizen participates in government mainly follows civil society's production, the citizen to realize awakens. The west has been called the citizen “the political person”, because of human to politics zealous and to political attention, only then gradually is promoting the political development, is also promoting human society's progress. The public administration produces the reason is the public product, the collective services particularity, the non-competitiveness, the non-exclusive public product provides the safeguard for the citizen good life, the reason that but these collective services obtain the biggest effect service, most needs is citizen own participation and the management. The constitution and implement of public is an important part of the contemporary administration. To insure the commonality, justice, validity and stability, it’s necessary to allow citizens to participate in the public policies and build an intercommunity between government and citizens.
Key word:Public administration; Civil society; Citizen participation; Democracy

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