

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


浅析《大教堂》的象征意义 雷蒙德•卡佛是美国当代著名的短篇小说家和诗人。被称为“美国二十世纪下半叶最重要的小说家”和小说界“简约主义”的大师,是“继海明威之后美国最具影响力的短篇小说作家”。《伦敦时报》在他去世后称他为“美国的契诃夫”。他的作品致力于表现普通人被生活打得遍体鳞伤后的孤独与沉默。《大教堂》被誉为卡佛的成熟之作,亦是转变之作。本文着重讲述的是《大教堂》中几个意象的象征意义,例如作品的关键人物盲人、一直贯穿全文始终的大教堂、盲人与女主人公之间用于交流的磁带等等,从而得出卡佛这部作品的主题,进一步探究卡佛这部短篇小说及其深刻意义。从这部小说中,我们可以看到有别于卡佛其它作品的一点点“希望和光明”。我们可以说,卡佛是借助盲人的眼睛看见了希望和光明。通过这部小说,让我们来了解卡佛这个人和这部作品。 关键词:大教堂,雷蒙德•卡佛,盲人,磁带,大麻,军官 An Analysis of the Symbolic Meaning of the Cathedral Abstract: Raymond Carver is the famous American contemporary short story writer and poet. It is known as “the most important novelists in the later of the twentieth century," and the master of "Minimalist" on the Novel, and also "The most influential short story writers in America after Hemingway ". “London Times" called him "the American Chekhov" after his death. His work has been dedicated to representing the lonely and silence of ordinary people after the beating by life. It is said that Cathedral is his mature and changeable work. This paper focuses on about the Cathedral in the symbolic meaning of several images, for example, the blind man who is the key character of this work, the cathedral which always has been throughout the text, the tape which used to communicate between the blind man and heroine and so on. From these, we can acquire this article’s theme, and further explore this short story and its profound significance. From this novel, we can find out that Cathedral has a little bit of “hope and light”, which is different from Carver’s other works. We can say that Carver find out the hope and light by the blind man’s eyes. Through this novel, let us come to understand Carver and his work. Keywords: Cathedral; Raymond Carver;The Blind Man; Tape; Dope; Officer

