

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


中西商务礼仪的文化差异随着经济全球化的发展,中国加入世贸组织,2008年成功举办奥运会和2010上海世博会的开幕,国际经济一体化,中西方国家的交流日渐频繁,中西的政治、经济、文化联系将越来越密切。而在国际商务活动中,商务礼仪对商务活动过程中有着重大影响。不同的国家有不同的历史背景、文化背景,有各式各样的行为差异,所有经常会出现错误的理解而闹笑话。中国人认为,礼仪是共同的行为准则,所有成员必须服从,其目的是要保持社会正常生活秩序。随着中西文化的不断发展,中西文化的不断冲突与融合。西方人接受中华文化和其他重要的情感因素。中国人也逐渐接受先进的西方文化并学习礼仪形式。然而,在现实生活中,由于中西礼仪文化差异导致国际商务合作的影响依然存在。这时我们就应该仔细寻找造成这些文化差异的原因,从原因中分析,我们可以遵循他们的方式以减小文化差异,避免商务贸易间的文化冲突,达成共同文化。本文探讨中国礼仪与西方礼仪的差异,第一,可以弘扬我们中华民族优秀的文化,吸收西方的先进礼仪文化。第二,通过对比,根据他们的商务礼仪方式可以缩小中西方的商务礼仪文化差异,减少文化冲突和文化理解错误的现象。第三,中西方的商务人士更了解彼此的商务礼仪文化差异,促进彼此的文化交流与商务合作。 关键词:礼仪;商务礼仪;文化差异;商务合作 On the Cultural Differences of Chinese and Western Business Etiquette Abstract:With the development of economic globalization, China's accession to the WTO, successful holding Olympic Games and Expo in Shanghai, economic integration has become the inevitable trend of world economic development, communication has become more and more frequent between China and western countries, and also in politics, economy and culture. Business etiquette has a great influence on international business activities. Different business etiquette influences kinds of sides, such as international business negotiation, international business management, the notion of time and so on. Different countries have different historical and cultural background, so misunderstanding always take place. People think that the etiquette is the standards of common behavior that all the members must obey, and its purpose is to keep the normal living order of the society. With the constant development of Chinese and western culture, culture conflicts and fusion has constantly appeared. Western people accept Chinese culture and other important emotion course. Chinese also accept and study western advanced etiquette. However, in real life, failure of international business cooperation still exists because of cultural differences. At this time, we should analyze deeply the reasons for the cultural differences of Chinese and western business etiquette. From these reasons, we find different ways due to the different cultural, and we can follow western usual ways to narrow the cultural differences, and then make easier communication. This paper mainly studies on the cultural differences of business etiquette between China and western countries, the first aim is to carry forward China's civilization, absorb advanced western culture. The second aim is following western business etiquette to narrow the cultural differences, reduce the cultural conflicts and misunderstanding at business activities. The last is to understand clearly between Chinese and western business etiquette, which makes businessmen easier in communication and promotes business corporation between China and western countries. Key Words: Etiquette; Business etiquette; Culture differences; Business cooperation

