

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


义务教育实施中的问题及对策研究 伴随着社会的进步和发展,对人才的需求尤其是高技能高素质的知识人员需求日益增强。长期的历史事实已经证明,西方各国正是由于实行了国家以法律形式规定下来的义务教育,才使得工业现代化成为可能。国家兴旺源于人才,人才储备源于教育,“教育先行”和“科教兴国”战略的确立使得教育作为国家的一项事业的思想得到加强。义务教育则是为高等教育的延伸做好铺垫,是培养人才的链条中的一个重要环节,加强九年义务教育,为国家源源不断的输送德才兼备的后备人才力量,意义深远。 本人通过查阅图书馆资料、登陆相关网站和浏览最新杂志收集到大量信息。本文运用所收集到的信息和相关理论知识,通过实证分析,举例子,比较,列数字等方法,对义务教育的含义及重要性、义务教育实施中存在的问题如适龄儿童受教育权利的保障、义务教育的质量、义务教育均衡等及三者之间的关系做出详细的分析,并提出相应的针对性的解决对策及建议。 在撰写本篇论文过程中,通过研究发现,虽然我国义务教育实施中存在很多问题,但是近些年我国义务教育上的改革还是具有很大的积极作用,正如哲学上所讲的事物都是不断发展的规律,义务教育在其实施的过程中不可避免的出现一系列问题和不足之处,甚至会出现新的被人忽视的问题。上述问题的提出正是对义务教育发展的动力和源泉,希冀本文的研究成果能对义务教育的完善起到一定的指导和借鉴作用。 关键词:义务教育;权利保障;质量;教育均衡 Abstract With social progress and development, the demand of high skill high-quality knowledge person has growing. Long-term historical facts have proved that western countries with the help of the nation with legal form the obligation prescribed down education to make their industrial modernization possible. The country's prosperity derives from talents, talents reserves from education. "Education first" and "technology and education" strategy makes the establishment of the cause of education as a national idea has been strengthened. Compulsory education is to pave the way for the extension of higher education is to develop talent is an important link in the chain, strengthening compulsory education for the country a steady stream of power transmission ability and political integrity of the reserve talents far-reaching significance. I have access to library materials through, landing sites and browse the latest magazines related to the large amount of information collected. In this paper, the collected information and relevant theoretical knowledge, through empirical analysis, examples, comparison, list of numbers and so on, the meaning and importance of compulsory education, compulsory education, problems in the implementation of school-age children, such as the protection of the right to education , quality of compulsory education, compulsory education in the relationship between such and make a detailed analysis, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions targeted. In the course of writing this paper, through the study found that although the implementation of compulsory education, there are many problems, but the recent reform on China's compulsory education is still a very active role, just as philosophical about things that are constantly the development of the law, compulsory education in the process of its implementation a series of questions inevitably arise and inadequacies, and even ignored the emergence of new issues .The problem is the driving force for development of compulsory education and source of results of this study hope to improve compulsory education to play a guiding and reference. Key Words: Compulsory education;Right protection;Quality;Education equilibrium

