

全文字数:15000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


我国劳务派遣用工存在的问题及对策研究 21世纪是知识经济的时代,人——作为知识的创造者、传播者和运用者,已成为经济发展中至为关键的因素。“人力资源是第一资源”这一理念也更为社会所共识。因此,人力资源的有效配置和开发管理就成为促进经济发展的重要因素。劳务派遣以其特殊的用人形式,正显出勃勃生机。 目前,劳务派遣在我国并非主要的工作形态,但是发展非常迅速。劳务派遣中,劳务派遣单位、用工单位与被派遣劳动者三者之间的关系存在着一定的复杂性,而劳务派遣三方当事人之间,最弱一方的劳动者的合法权益往往得不到保证。例如被派遣劳动者加入工会的制度还不够完善,劳务派遣企业的成立制度存在缺陷,劳务争议解决制度未明确予以规定等。因此,应当对劳务派遣制度进行探讨,着重从其特殊性入手,以我国劳务派遣中被派遣劳动者权益保护的具体情况为研究对象,总结侵害被派遣劳动者的权益的几种主要现象,并分析其深层次的原因。在此基础上,借鉴国外的经验,提出完善保护劳务派遣劳动员工的制度和优化人力资源的措施,以期对维护我国劳务派遣员工的利益有所帮助。 关键词:劳务派遣;劳务派遣员工;权益 Abstract In the knowledge Economy Age, talent, as a contriver, disseminator and user of knowledge, became the key point in economic development. “The human resource is the first resource”, that's realized by whole world. So the effective staffing and development of human resource is the vital factor. Labor dispatch working by its special work form shows its thriving. As a minor working patterns, it develops rapidly in China. In the Placement, the relationships among the Staffing firms, the Accepting Units and the Placed Employees are very complex. in this field, the rights and interests of the Placed Employees that is the weakest part among the three parts can hardly get relief through the law when their rights are encroached. Such as the fights to form and join in Trade union, the establishment systems, the settlement system of labor dispute. So it should discusse the particularity of the Placement system, research on the protect of the Employees’rights of Placement, aggregate the main phenomenons and the reasons. Based on this, learns from foreign legislative experience, and proposes individual opinion, in 0rder t0 protect labor’s rights and interests. Key words:Labor dispatch ;Employee;Rights of the employee

