

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


当前我国企业员工培训中的问题及对策分析随着人力资源对价值创造贡献的逐渐增加,人力资源的增值对企业的意义也日益重要,越来越多的企业重视培训与开发的工作。员工培训,是组织人力资源管理与开发的重要组成部分和关键职能,是人力资源资产增值的重要途径,也是企业组织效益提高的重要途径。由于竞争的激烈,越来越多的企业希望通过员工培训来改善管理,提高产品和服务质量,提高自己的竞争优势。今天,对于培训的认识已经不是要不要的问题,而是怎么去做的问题。近年来随着员工培训工作的发展,企业培训管理的各个环节的不断完善,培训教学的水平也有很大的提高,但我们从企业的培训活动中看到,目前我国企业员工培训中存在的问题大致可以分为:管理方的问题;培训者的问题;受训者方面的问题。我国企业员工培训的对策。首先要转变培训观念,从企业和员工两方面入手。其次,制定一个科学有效的培训计划,企业必须对培训需求进行认真分析,对员工培训的内容、方法、师资、课程、经费、时间等,有一个系统、科学地规划和安排。再次要针对不同的培训对象和员工,提出不同的培训目标,设计不同的培训内容,从而使这个计划既符合企业整体发展的需要,又满足企业目前的工作需要。另外还要做好分析培训需求、构建完善的培训体系、强化培训评估等方面的工作。 关键词:员工培训;效果;培训转化;企业文化 Abstract With the contribution of human resources to the gradual increase in value creation, value-added human resources the significance of the growing importance of enterprise, more and more enterprises attach importance to training and development work. Staff training, human resource management and the organization an important part of the development and key functions of the human resource asset value of the important way to improve organizational efficiency an important way. As the intensity of competition, more and more enterprises want to improve management through staff training, improve product and service quality, improve their competitive advantage. Today, knowledge is not in training or not, but rather how to do the problem. In recent years with the development of staff training, corporate training in all aspects of management of the constant improvement of the level of training and teaching has greatly improved, but we see corporate training activities, training of current employees of the problems can be divided into: management side of the issue; training persons; trainees issues. Measures of training employees. First, the training should change the concept, both from enterprises and employees to start. Second, develop a scientific and effective training programs, companies must be careful analysis of training needs, staff training content, methods, faculty, curriculum, funding, time, etc., there is a systematic, scientific planning and arrangement. Re-training to different objects and people, present different training objectives, training content design different, so the plan is in line with their overall development, but also to meet the business needs of the present work. Also do a good job of training needs, building a sound training system, intensive training evaluation work. Key Words: Staff-training;Effect;Training Transformation;Enterprise culture

