

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


城市发展--从路径依赖走向路径创造-以佛山市为例我国花了近47年的时间完成了城市发展的起步阶段,从1996年开始进入城市发展中期的快速成长阶段。尤其是改革开放的30年,是我国城市发展与城市建设取得巨大成就的30年,城市化发展增长速度比较快,但城市化水平仍比世界同期平均水平低3个百分点。而造成我国城市化水平滞后的原因,是城市化发展的过程中存在着一种能够产生消极影响的现象,我们把它称为“路径依赖”。 关键词:路径依赖;城市发展;路径创造;佛山市 The urban development—from the inertia to the innovation of a route by the example of Foshan city of Guangdong province ABSTRACT Our country has spent 47 years to finish the initial stage of the urban development and we had greeted the high-speed growth of it since 1996. We’ve acquire lots of achievements especially in the latest 30 years. The city develops very fast, but the level of the urban development is still low around the world. It is a phenomenon called the inertia of a route that delays our steps. Key Words: The inertia of a route; Urban development; The innovation of a route; Foshan city

