

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词: 言语幽默;合作原则;《成长的烦恼》
As a frequently seen form of verbal communication, humor plays an important role in people’s daily life and gradually develops into an effective way of interpersonal communication. In order to ensure the conversation going on smoothly, both parties in the process of communication must follow some basic rules required by the Cooperative Principle in pragmatics. However, people sometimes intentionally violate one or several of these rules in order to express certain conversational implicature. With the classic character dialogues in the famous American situation comedy “Growing Pains” as examples, this study analyzes the interpretation of verbal humor on the basis of the Cooperative Principle. It is hoped that this study can help people to have a comprehensive and dynamic grasp of verbal humor and improve people’s ability to appreciate situation comedies. By analyzing the material of the language of daily life in the sitcom, the study is helpful for people to use humor correctly in their daily lives and improve their interpersonal skills.

Keywords:  verbal humor  Cooperative Principle  Growing Pains

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