

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词: 中英姓氏;历史不同;文化不同
As the kinship signals in the social structure, names are the signs to distinguish people. Names are the most energetic, cohesive, inspiring humanistic and historical complex in traditional cultures; they are the foundation stones to understand different cultures. Everyone has his own surname and given name in the world. Chinese and English surname systems have close relationship with their national histories, religious beliefs, traditional cultures, and social customs. Chinese and English names have been growing in two different social environments, after long period of historical clearance and accumulation; they have shown various cultural peculiarities, bursting special historic charms, expressing distinct national characteristics, disclosing different valuable orientations and aesthetic standards.
Surnames are a sign as well as an information window, through which people may better perceive a society and its culture in various aspects. The thesis probes into the historical and cultural differences between Chinese and English surnames, which may help English or Chinese language learners to avoid blindness, arbitrariness or even embarrassment and to enhance cross-cultural awareness and improve communication and mutual understanding.

Keywords: Chinese and English surnames  historical differences  cultural difference
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