

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:语言;性别语言;谚语; 歧视
A Comparative Study on Sexism in Chinese and English Proverbs

Abstract: Language is a mirror of the society. Social phenomenon is not only reflected in the various aspects of social life, but also reflected in the use of language, especially in the area of gender discrimination. Now language and gender study has been an important topic. Generally speaking, gender discrimination is used to refer to discrimination against women. Gender discrimination is universal, and there are many unjust words and sayings for women in it. With the development of the society, a lot of proverbs can’t conform to the development of the times. In modern society, the better women are educated, the more cognitive ability they have. In the treatment of sex discrimination they have a lot of their own ideas.
This thesis explores the phenomenon through a comparative study of Chinese and English proverbs from seven aspects. And the thesis analyzes the causes of gender discrimination in English and Chinese Proverbs from the three aspects—social division, cultural factor and psychological factor. This will help people understand the Chinese culture and English culture deeply, and then raise public concern about the sexism in Chinese and English Proverbs.

Keywords: Language; Gender Language; Proverb; Sex Discrimination
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