

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




On Differences Between Chinese and English Addressing Terms

Abstract: Addressing terms are the first things conveyed in communication. And Chinese addressing terms have lots of differences from English ones. Through comparing the difference in five aspects, including first name, kinship addressing terms, addressing terms to strangers, addressing terms in occupational titles and addressing terms to show respect, and the causes can be summarized into three aspects. That is to say, the differences on language, history, and culture, difficulties in understanding are likely to appear. The differences between Chinese and English addressing terms also show to some extent that the Chinese system of addressing terms has been dominated by status and politeness norms for many years. On the contrary, with the gradual rise of forms of democratic egalitarian ideology, solidarity and equality increasingly become prevalent in addressing terms in English. The implication is that an English native person without knowledge of Chinese language and culture tends to find it very difficult to cope with the subtlety and complexity of various forms of address to express status or familiarity in China. Moreover, with the society developed and the intercultural communication, Chinese addressing terms are more under the influence of English ones. Therefore, this paper focuses on comparing differences and analyzing causes as well as pointing out some new findings. In order to use the right addressing terms in intercultural communication and make a smooth conversation with foreigners, understanding the cultural differences between two countries is important and necessary.
    This paper is divided into five parts:the first part introduces the background of the addressing terms. The second part defines the addressing terms. The third part contrast and analyze the difference of Chinese and English addressing terms. And causes of the diversities are explored. In the fourth part new findings in Chinese addressing terms are dealt with. The last is to summarize the full text.

Keywords: Addressing Terms; Differences; Cause; Change
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