

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



笔者借鉴了Frank 和 Lester 奢侈品感知测量模式,和朱晓辉对中国消费者购买奢侈品的动机研究。同时本文以重庆为例,进行了问卷调查,以观察此中国奢侈品消费者的购买动机。

A Study on the Motivation of Chinese Customers’ Luxury Consumption Behavior

30 years ago, luxury this word was seldom heard by Chinese people, let alone those who could afford them. Yet now, massive luxury brands are landing domestically, or carving up the new Chinese market. Names like Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Fendi, Porsche, Vertu cannot be less familiar to us nowadays. As the economy of China is skyrocketing, national revenues booming, customers who are able to consume luxury are also increasing. Unlike precedent consumers, the current ones are of better education, decent economic status, unique aesthetic preference, younger age and stronger shopping desire.
Through research on Chinese customers’ consumption behavior, this dissertation tries to excavate the real motivations behind purchasing luxury, by which it could provide academic theory and practical suggestions for the development of Chinese market.
This paper borrows Vigneron Franck and Lester W. Johnson’s “measuring perceptions of brand luxury” (2004), as well as Zhu Xiaohui’s revised edition on “motivation on buying luxury” (2006). From the data gave by questionnaires finished in Chongqing, the author tries to observe the motivations of Chinese consumers.

Key words: luxury;consumer;consumer motivation

