

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Eastern Han Dynasty eunuchs causes
interference in domestic affairs and the historical lessons

Abstract:In ancient China, there are three different stages separately in The Eastern Han Dynasty, The Late Tang Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, appearing the summit of Eunuch’ interference in domestic affairs because of being in power. In Eastern Han Dynasty, Eunuch formly steped on political stage. The development at that times reflected the mature system of Eunuch which was caused by the establishment of the feudal autocratic monarchy. The population of Eunuch increased quickly. Therefore, there is gradually need for building of relatively systematic and perfect authority. Furthermore, the selection ,appointment ,duty ,salary and some other aspects concerned was absorbed into political system. It deserved to study the Eunuch’ situation, trait, appearance and cause of interference, the influence to later ages brought by development at Eastern Han Dynasty. This context is mainly about this group setting in the circumstance in Eastern Han Dynasty, beginning from the argument ,in order to study the form ,reason and influence and  then learn a lesson.
Key words: The Eastern Han Dynasty;Eunuch’interference in demostic affairs;Cause;Learn a lesson

