

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


作为第五代移美华人的严歌苓通过《扶桑》向我们展现了100多年前以扶桑为代表的第一代移民的生存状况,以同为第五代中国移民的叙事人“我”的身份去感悟和理解百年前在美国土壤上的中国妓女, 她通过独特的女性视角塑造了扶桑这一古老东方的成熟女子形象,将东方民族的坚忍和包容刻画得淋漓尽致。严歌苓通过阅读一百六十部唐人街华人史向我们再现了以扶桑为代表的东方民族的性格特征和文化特性。《茶花女》是小仲马以自己的情感际遇为原型而创作的,他刻画了玛格丽特这一个性鲜明的西方女性形象。因而这一基于现实的人物更具有生动性和

作为第五代移美华人的严歌苓通过《扶桑》向我们展现了100多年前以扶桑为代表的第一代移民的生存状况,以同为第五代中国移民的叙事人“我”的身份去感悟和理解百年前在美国土壤上的中国妓女, 她通过独特的女性视角塑造了扶桑这一古老东方的成熟女子形象,将东方民族的坚忍和包容刻画得淋漓尽致。严歌苓通过阅读一百六十部唐人街华人史向我们再现了以扶桑为代表的东方民族的性格特征和文化特性。《茶花女》是小仲马以自己的情感际遇为原型而创作的,他刻画了玛格丽特这一个性鲜明的西方女性形象。因而这一基于现实的人物更具有生动性和现实意义。扶桑用跪着包容一切的姿势去接受苦难、宽恕罪恶,玛格丽特为爱情而不顾一切的抗争。这两个分别融合了她们各自民族文化的妓女形象是伟大的。她们以妓女的卑微身份展现着人性的高大。本文旨在通过对扶桑和茶花女这两个妓女形象的分析,还原其妓女身份之外最本真的东西,揭示其各自身上所体现的文化内涵。通过对扶桑如何沦为娼妓、如何顺从命运、如何表达内心情感,以及对玛格丽特怎样堕落、怎样逐爱、怎样牺牲等的分析,来展现她们面对命运的幸和不幸所表现的不同态度。妓女身份一直以来都是被人批判的,但是扶桑和玛格丽特的肉体虽是人尽可夫的,可灵魂是纯净的,她们作为“人”的这一身份是应该被尊重而不该被忽略的。
On the Cultural Significance of Prostitute Images in Chinese Hibiscus and La Traviata

Abstract: Yan Geling,a fifth-generation of Chinese Americans, presented us the living conditions of the first-generation immigrants 100 years ago through Chinese Hibiscus, as represented by a fifth-generation Chinese immigrant narrative “I” to identify and understand the Chinese prostitutes in the United States one hundred year ago. Yan Geling shaped the image of the ancient oriental mature woman from her unique female perspective. And this image was a vivid symbol of the perseverance and tolerance of the oriental people. Yan Geling reproduced the character traits and cultural characteristics of the hibiscus as the representative of oriental people by reading 160 Chinatown Chinese histories. La Traviata was created by Dumas and based on his own emotional encounters; he portrayed a distinctive western woman image named Margaret. Thus, this image had more practical significance. Hibiscus used the kneeled down position to accept suffering and forgive sin, and Margaret desperate struggle for love. These two prostitutes with their respective national culture are great. Their prostitute status is humble, but their humanity is noble. This paper aims to restore the authentic nature of these two women and reveal their cultural connotations through the analysis of these two prostitutes in Chinese Hibiscus and La Traviata. By analyzing the hibiscus how to obey density, how to express her inner feelings, and that Margaret how to degenerate, how to find love and how to sacrifice, the paper shows their different attitudes of facing the fate of fortunate and unfortunate. Prostitute has always been criticized, while Hibiscus and Margaret’s soul are pure, though they could be everyone’s wife. They should be respected as a “person”.

Keywords: Chinese Hibiscus; La Traviata; Prostitute Images

