

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



后现代社会的文化特征表现为反传统、反理性、反秩序等极端倾向, 它更加注重崇尚非传统的价值观与道德观,消解崇高,解构权威,张扬个性,表现自我;它认为语言规范是一种异化力量。火星文正是在这种语境里发展出来的一种语言形式,它一方面继承了传统文化的某些方面,另一方面它又在形式上和意义上对传统语言和文化进行了重构。正因为此,火星文迅速地被青少年网民接受,并成为他们的语言,而且渐渐地在不同年龄层次的网民中扩散,逐渐成为一种新型的语言系统。本文的主旨正是研究火星文的后现代特征。本论文将英语火星文放在后现代主义的文化语境中进行探讨,重点考察了英语火星文与后现代主义文化思潮的关系,分析了它的使用者的文化心态及文化价值取向。



With the rapid development of Internet, the way of human’s thinking and speaking is undergoing subtle changes. The leetspeak appeared in the era of Internet and became popular among the generation of 1990s,which was used to pursue fashion, individuality and their identity. Leetspeak is a unique form of ideographic writing.
This dissertation is proposed to explore the post-modernist features of leetspeak. English leetspeak will be discussed in the context of post-modernist culture, its cultural value and significance will be focalized. This paper argues that the emergence of English leetspeak itself is a concrete expression of post-modernism cultural identity. In this aspect, its appearance is the result of cultural changes, objectively meeting the need of the younger generation’s request. In this sense, the English leetspeak is not only a symbol but also a post-modern social and cultural turn to the specific characterization.
The paper also holds that it is necessary to receive more attention as a new linguistic phenomenon; only if we study it carefully we can understand it better, because English language is changing constantly as an open system into which the leetspeak symbols enter. Hence, only when it receives systematic study, it can be understood better; what’s more, it can be used to serve the English teaching.

Keywords: leetspeak; post-modernism; cultural identity


