

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



文化是一个群体在一定时期内形成的思想、观念、行为、风俗以及习惯、代表人物,及由这个群体整体意识所辐射出来的一切活动。跨文化交际的基础就是文化,中国与西方国家的文化差异主要表现在语言沟通、非语言沟通等诸方面。在跨文化商务交际中,交际者为达到交际目的,应积极地采取必要的对策。然而跨文化谈判就是在不同文化中的谈判。在经济全球化的今天,各国间商务交往活动越来越频繁和密切,因而了解各国间的文化差异就显得格外的重要,有其对于谈判的商务人士。否则将会引起不必要的误会和错解,这就直接影响着商务谈判的成功进行。 目前中国同世界各国间经贸发展较快,双方商务谈判越来越密切与频繁。且美国是世界上最大的经济实体,同时也是我国对外贸易中较大的贸易伙伴。中美双方在商务谈判中必须增强对双方文化差异的敏感性,了解两国在价值观和谈判风格上的差异,才能做出合理的商务决策。本文通过研究中国与西方国家之间的文化差异及其对商务谈判的影响,探讨了中国与世界各国在商务谈判中出现差异的原因,以及应对策略。随着经济全球化步伐的加快,我们也很明显发现商务谈判对于经贸往来的由于各国文化差异对商务谈判的各个方面都有直接的影响,那些文化差异次敏感的谈判者更倾向于把自己的文化模式套用于对方的文化行为中,这样容易形成文化冲突。由此可见,在商务谈判中做好谈判前的准备,了解双方文化差异,这对促进谈判的成功具有重要的意义。

On Cultural Differences in Business Negotiation

Abstract: Culture has played an important role of today's ever changing economic globalization in business negotiation; otherwise it may cause some unnecessary misunderstandings or have effect on business negotiation. This article started with what culture is and the current situation of cultural differences in business negotiation. Then it comes to introductions to cultural differences in international negotiations.
The paper demonstrates the importance of cultural differences in cross-culture business negotiation and ways to avoid cultural conflicts. There are many kinds of differences in cultural communication, such as differences on language, differences on non-verbal communication and differences on etiquette and different cultural background. Then, it points out the influence of cultural differences in business negotiation is worthy paying attention. Because the cultural differences and the influence of cross- culture business, some theories and methods were put on the table. Thus, acquiring knowledge about Eastern and Western culture diversity is essential. This paper aims to realize and deal with cultural differences correctly and make the cross-cultural communication more effectively. In the final part it also discusses how to deal with the existing cultural differences. First, negotiators should face up the fact of existing culture diversity and take advantage of Chinese long history culture heritage. Then it argues a qualified negotiator should make good preparation on psychological and business knowledge before the negotiation and respect partner's culture if the negotiator wants a long-time business relation with this partner, negotiators can make a valid evaluation of partner's cultural background with the help of sincere communication which can also discover the real benefit between them, all of this is make a win-win business relationship. The success of business negotiation is mainly determined by the cross-culture knowledge and skills so negotiators should know clearly and try their best to accept business partner's culture, meanwhile let the each party understand both cultural customs to pave the way to successful business negotiation.

Keywords: cultural differences; business negotiation; communication 

