
都市报民生新闻的发展走势探析--- 以《南方都市报》为例

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


都市报民生新闻的发展走势探析--- 以《南方都市报》为例


Analysis  on  the  Trend  of
Development about Metropolis
Dailies’News  On  People’s Livelihood In China
---In The Example Of Nanfang Metropolis Daily


     In recent years, news on people’s livelihood which focuses on the living condition of ordinary people has become media’s often-used and popular way of expressing news. A large number of news on people’s livelihood has occupied an important position in news media, caught attention, taken over the market and influenced everywhere of this society widely. However, with the development going higher, some bad stuff occurs. Because of the differences of quality of media practitioners and competition between media, there occurs something that should not ever exits. Some news is becoming kitsch, shallow and just for seeking novelty or paying up to someone. Some deviate from what it should be because of the lacking of ideological and guidance but simply record daily common stuff. Facing all these hardships ahead, what should they do in order to get out of this circumstances and show extraordinary value in future time? In this thesis we will talk about the trend of development about metropolis dailies’ news on people’s livelihood in China by combining the success of Nanfang Metropolis Daily.

Key Words: Metropolis Daily ; News On People’s Livelihood; Nanfang Metropolis Daily; Trend of Development

