

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



随着美国经典情景喜剧《老友记》在中国走红, 《生活大爆炸》也紧跟其后, 深受中国的英语学习者喜爱。其中最主要的原因就是情景喜剧中的幽默语言,在作为英语学习材料的同时,给人的精神生活也带来了很大的愉悦。幽默已经成为了人们日常生活的调味剂,是人们智慧的象征。从亚里士多德那个时期,就有学者对幽默产生机制做过研究。20世纪七十年代起,对幽默的语言学研究迅速发展,而从语用学角度分析言语幽默更是方兴未艾,其中格赖斯的合作原则更是被广泛运用于言语幽默产生机制的研究中。

关键词:  情景喜剧;  言语幽默;  合作原则;  人物性格

After the great popularity of the American sitcom Friends in China, another sitcom, The Big Bang Theory, follows the former’s step. One of the reasons we may think in common is their funny and comic languages, namely verbal humor, which is really hot in China. American sitcoms not only can be used as the English learning materials but also bring a lot of fun into the audience’s spirit world. Humor is the flavors in the daily life and the symbol of the intelligence and wisdom. From the era of Aristotle, some scholars had done researches on the creation of humor. Since 1970s, the researches on the verbal humor from the linguistics developed rapidly, especially from the perspective of pragmatics. And Grice’s Cooperative Principle has been widely used.
  This paper will use Grice’s cooperative principle as the tool to analysis the dialogues in the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory, and try to find how the humorous effects are achieved by violating Grice’s cooperative principle. The analysis of case study and the data in the two tables showed the verbal humor in The Big Bang Theory is achieved mostly by violating the maxim of manner, and secondly by violating the maxim of quantity. Moreover, the analysis found that the relationship between the characters’ personalities and the violation of the four maxims did exist, which at last created humorous effects. For instance, Sheldon was a self-centered genius, who often made the conversations ambiguous and obscure by using the professional vocabulary. In these conversations he violated the maxim of manner and elicited the audience laugh, which produced verbal humor. 

Key Words:  Sitcom;  Verbal Humor;  Cooperative Principle;  Personalities

