

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词:    跨文化交际;  语言禁忌;  文化差异

With the development of globalization, the communication between China and America becomes more and more frequent. Because of cultural differences between the two countries, a variety of problems will be encountered in communication. The problems may cause misunderstandings, even conflicts. In order to avoid the condition we need research into the languages and cultures of Chinese and American. It is well known that language is the carrier of the culture. Language taboo as an important part of human language is a cultural phenomenon shared by people all over the world. Language taboo lies in every language and culture. In different cultures, religious faith, social system and other factors affect the emergence and development of language taboo, thereby accelerating the cultural conflict emergence. In the dissertation, the taboos existing in Chinese and English will be introduced and a comparison of differences between Chinese and English will be made which help readers have in-depth understanding of language taboo. Through learning knowledge of intercultural communication, participants in the intercultural communication between China and America should have objective attitude to language taboos, and take effective way to avoid conflicts caused by language taboos, enable the communication environment between China and America harmonious.
Key Words:  Intercultural Communication;  Language Taboo;  Culture Difference 

