

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





关键词:  嘉莉   消费主义   外部环境   需求变化   影响
The Influence of External Environment on Carrie’s Changing Demands in Sister Carrie


Sister Carrie, written by American naturism writer Theodore Dreiser in 1989, is not only his first novel, but also his most popular novel. It tells us the experience of an 18-year-old country girl who became a famous Broadway star from the lowest social class. It shows us vividly that external environment has great influence on Carrie’s changing demands. This paper will analyze the influence of external environment including social background, living environment, different regions and social relationships on Carrie’s changing demands. The aim is to tell people that external environment play a vital role in people’s changing demands. Especially for China which is at the transition of social formation, it is necessary to take some measures to help people build correct world outlook and values, especially modern women should view their own demands wisely and not be driven by their endless desire.

Key words: Carrie,   Socialism,   External environment,   Changing demands,   Influence

