

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


伴随着中外文化交流的不断深入,外国的影视剧作品也源源不断的出现在中国的电视银幕上,情景喜剧就是其中的一个重要部分。作为一种特殊的影视题材,语言幽默在情景喜剧中发挥着至关重要的作用。情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》(the Big Bang)自从搬上荧屏以来,一直受到美剧粉丝的好评与追求,许多专家、学者甚至网友对剧中人物:Sheldom、Lenard、Penny、Rajesh和Howard 进行人格剖析和言语意义的阐释,对于幽默的理解也再一次地凸显了重要性。本文从语用学角度出发,运用合作原则与关联理论分析美国情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》中大量的幽默语言,分析幽默言语的形成及理解机制。大量的分析结果证实了这两个理论对幽默的强大解释力。研究结果发现,对合作原则各个分原则的有意违反以及制造最大关联和最小关联之间的反差是形成并解析幽默的重要机制。本文的研究结果能促使英语学习者与情景剧爱好者更好地理解和欣赏幽默,并有助于丰富幽默的语用学研究。
A Pragmatic Study of Humorous Language in American Sitcom
“the Big Bang Theory”
Abstract: As the cultural communication between China and foreign countries deepens, more and more foreign films and television programs flow in, Sitcom, whose essence is humor, occupies large part of this flow. The importance of humor interpretation attracts many scholars’ attention. From the perspective of pragmatics, this paper employs two pragmatic theories, namely, the Cooperative Principle and the Relevance Theory to analyze the generation and interpretation mechanism of verbal humor in the sitcom “the Big Bang Theory”. The analyses have proved the effectiveness of these two theories in explaining verbal humor. The findings show that humorous effect can be achieved by flouting maxims of Cooperative Principle or by creating a mismatch between the maximal relevance and the optimal relevance. The findings can enable English learners and sitcom fans to better understand and appreciate humor and also enrich the pragmatic researches of verbal humor.
Keywords:  verbal humor; Cooperative Principle; Relevance Theory; “the Big Bang  Theory” 

