

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:合作原则,  性格特点, 对话, 薇薇安
The Analysis on Pretty Woman in Cooperative Principle
Abstract: This thesis is a detailed analysis of the conversational implicature in Pretty Woman from the perspectives of Cooperative Principle. We research Vivian’s characteristic through the dialogue between Vivian and other roles,.
This paper is carried around the communication of Vivian and others in Pretty Woman. Through the analysis of their dialogues by obeying and violating Cooperative Principle(Quantity maxim、Quality maxim、Relation maxim、Manner maxim),we know the inner meaning under conversation, and find Vivian’s vivid personality. She is kind, she treats everyone sincerely. She is straightforward, as revealed by how she speaks out her opinion directly without thinking about the feeling of others. She is smart, she can make people happy easily with her unique humour. She is self-respecting, she has her principle and avoid compromise.
By researching the Cooperative principle in Pretty woman with some practical examples, this paper indicates how the dialogues in the movie play a crucial role in building character’s traits. And through it we analysis the character’s traits more profoundly and help us know the characters more clearly.

Keywords: Cooperative Principle, Character’s traits, Dialogue, Vivian

