

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



杰克•凯鲁亚克是二十世纪美国文学史上最有影响力和受欢迎的小说家之一。他的第二部也是最受欢迎的作品《在路上》被誉为“BG”一代的圣经。 他也因此作品而享誉全球。《在路上》采用“自发式”写作风格,深刻展现了二战后,迷茫的美国年轻人挣扎着寻找生存的本质与生活的真谛的真实场景。
本文运用萨特存在主义观点分析《在路上》中“路”的象征意义。论文主要包含三个部分,分别是引言,正文及结论。正文主要分为三个章节来阐明,围绕萨特存在主义思想的三个核心问题展开:我是谁?我应该为什么而活?我应该怎么活? 第一章为“真我之路”,主要分析萨尔在旅途中的异化,释放自我与自我实现。第二章为“生活意义之路”,主要分析萨尔和迪恩对自由和爱的追求。第三章为“真知之路”,主要分析迪恩对“它”和萨尔对“珍珠”的执着追求。“它”是一种精神满足,而“珍珠”象征对上帝,本质与死亡的真知。最后,结论部分对前面章节内容作出总结。


Jack Kerouac is one of the most influential and popular American novelists in the 20th century. His second and the most popular novel On the Road made his name worldwide and it is hailed as the bible of the Beat Generation. Written in spontaneous style, the novel presents deep insights into the real life of a group of lost young Americans, under the influence of Word WarⅡ, struggling to find out the essence of self and life.
This thesis is devoted to analyze the symbolic significance of “road” in On the Road with reference to Sartrean Existentialism. It is mainly comprised of three sections, which are the introduction, the main body and the conclusion. The main body comprises three chapters. Centered on three core existential questions – Who am I? What life shall I live? How shall I live it? , each chapter in the main body will elaborate the protagonists’ quest for the answers to them respectively. The first chapter focuses on the road as a journey of self-discovery, analyzing Sal’s self-alienation, self-release and eventually the self-realization. The second part mainly discusses the road as a spiritual quest for the meaning of life, analyzing Sal and Dean’s quest for freedom and love. The third part centers on their seeking for truth that only can be known at the end of life, including Dean’s fascination for “IT”, a spiritual realization, and Sal’s keenness on “pearl”, the ultimate truth of God, essence and death. At last, the conclusion gives a summary of the contents above.
The thesis serves to point out that everyone is entitled the radical freedom to search for the essence of self, love and ultimate truth. Although most of them are too complicated to attain, as long as one can optimize the freedom to make authentic choices and take responsibility for things or people concerned in their choices, one is making their right way to develop the authentic self and search for the ultimate truth in the world.

Key words: Sartrean Existentialism; essence; truth; responsibility 

