

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


“任务驱动教学法”在小学数学教学中的运用研究 自2001年教育部正式启动新一轮基础教育课程改革以来,越来越多的关注学生“主体性”发展的教学法得到了实施。“任务驱动教学法”作为一种以学习者为主体,能激发学习者的兴趣,提高学习者的学习效率的教学方法而被加以应用。但是,将这一教学法具体应用在小学数学综合应用模块教学过程中还存在着不少问题。本文依据任务驱动教学法的原则针对这些问题提出了改进策略,以求这一教学法能更有效地应用于实际。
Abstract: Since 2001, the Ministry of Education officially launched a new round of curriculum reform of basic education, more and more teaching methods concerned with our students "subjectivity" of the development of teaching have been implemented. "Task-based learning" as a learner as the main body that stimulate the learners’ interest and improve the efficiency was applied. However, there are still many problems on applying it to the teaching of mathematics. Paper is based on the principle of task-based learning on these issues to improve strategies, in order that more effective teaching methods can be applied to the actual.
关键词:主体性; 任务驱动教学; 小学数学
Keywords: Subjectivity; task-based learning; Primary Mathematics

