

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



 动机,在心理学上一般被认为是涉及行为的发端、方向、强度和持续性的概念。 众所周知学习动机在英语学习中起着至关重要的作用,在英语学习的过程中有着强烈的学习动机的学生总能取得好成绩,而那些没有强烈学习动机的学生往往在英语学习中很难成功。由此可见,学习动机是学习英语成功的关键所在。在本文中,我将就学习动机展开深入分析。文中主要涉及到动机的定义,动机的分类和一些与当代中学生相关的学习动机理论. 为了深入分析动机与中学英语学习的关系,我就相关问题在邵庄中学展开了一项调查,并根据此次调查的结果总结出一些激发和加强学生学习兴趣的策略的方法,使他们在今后的学习中能更有效的掌握英语知识。

关键词: 学习动机   动机理论   英语教学   动机激发策略
An Analysis of Learning Motivation and
English Teaching in Junior High School


Motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of human behavior. It can be seen by every person that learning motivation plays an important role in the course of learning English, and students with strong motivation can always make good achievements while students without motivation often lose in English learning. Undoubtedly, motivation is a key factor to study English successfully. In this paper, the author will talk something about motivation. It involves definitions of motivation, classification of motivation and some major motivation theories that are useful for Junior high school students. And I conducted a survey to research the relationship between motivation and English teaching in Junior high school, then providing them with some suggestions on how to promote and enhance students’ motivation to make them learn foreign language with higher efficiency.

Keyword: Learning motivation,   Motivation theories,   English learning,  
Motivational strategies


