

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



   随着08年北京奥运会、10年上海世博会的举办, 中国在世界之林的地位日益显著,与全世界的交往空前频繁。为了满足国外友人的需要,全国大部分城市的公共交通标志牌都用汉英双语或多种语言标识。公共交通标志是一个城市文明的标志,其英语翻译水平的高低,直接反映了一个城市国际化水平的高低。但令人遗憾的是,许多公共交通标志的翻译却不尽如人意,要么是充满了拼写或文法的错误,要么是指示不精确。因此,探讨一些有效的策略及技巧对公共交通标志的翻译十分有必要。基于以上认识,本文尝试对公共交通标志英汉翻译现存的的错误进行了分析,并根据关联原则,指出原语和译语受众的认知环境和其相互显映的程度,在此基础上为译文受众创造出具最佳关联性译文提出了一些可行的策略和翻译技巧,希望能对公示语翻译提供一些借鉴,并引起业内人士对公共交通标志语翻译的重视。


With the successful host of the Olympic Games in 2008 and Shanghai World Expo in 2010, the position of China in the world is becoming more and more significant and there are frequent exchanges in all fields. In order to meet the needs of the foreign friends, the transportation public signs in bilingual or multilingual are promoted in many cities. The level of transportation public signs translation reflects the level of city civilization directly and the level of internationalization. But unfortunately, many translation of transportation public signs is not desirable, they are either full of spelling or grammatical errors or marked by inaccuracy, thus, discussing some effective translation strategies and skills of transportation public signs is necessary. This paper tries to analyze translation errors existing in transportation public traffic signs based on the relevance theory . At the same time, this paper points out its reflection degree of the the source language and target language audience's cognitive environment; it also tries to help the audience to create optimal relevance translation and puts forward some feasible strategies and translation skills, hoping to offer some translation strategies for public signs and attract great attention of scholars in this field.

Key words: transportation public signs; relevance theory; optimal relevance

