

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



小说《到灯塔去》是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的代表作之一,是一部作者倾注心血的准自传体意识流小说。它描写了拉姆齐先生一家和他的一群知识分子朋友在海滨别墅相距10 年的两次聚会及其去灯塔远游。 伯·布莱克斯东在 《弗吉尼亚·吴尔夫:一篇评论》中说:“阅读了《灯塔》之后再来阅读任何一本普通的小说,会使你觉得自己是离开了白天的光芒而投身到木偶和纸板做成的世界中去。”可见《到灯塔去》难以超越的艺术高度。
《到灯塔去》 的女主人公拉姆齐夫人是一位把自己的毕生精力都奉献给家庭,并以博大的爱无私地关怀着别人的女性。很大程度上,拉姆齐夫人是弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫对其母亲茱莉亚的真实写照,是一位典型的维多利亚时代女性;但同时小说的虚构成分决定了拉姆齐夫人这一形象是个更复杂,更矛盾的个体。本文就是以拉姆齐夫人为主要研究对象,从人性的角度,深入探讨和挖掘这一人物的内心世界和现实意义。
关键词:《到灯塔去》 ;拉姆齐夫人;人性

The Light of Spirit ——An Analysis of Mrs. Ramsay’s Humanity in To the Lighthouse  
Abstract: Virginia Woolf  is  an  English  novelist  and  essayist  regarded  as one  of  the foremost modernist  literary  figures of  the  twentieth  century. She  is  a  forerunner  and master  of  the  new  writing  techniques  such  as  interior  monologues  and  stream  of consciousness prose. And she is famous as a supporter of Feminism.  To  the  Lighthouse  is  one  of  Virginia  Woolf's  well-known  fictions  which  is conceived  in  part  as  an  elegy  on  her  dead  parents,  and  is  in  some  respects autobiographical.  It mainly  tells  the Ramsays and  their guests spending  their summer holiday  at  the  shore. And  the  plot  is  quite  simple:  a  trip  to  the  lighthouse  is  put off because  of  bad weather,  while  is  finally  carried  out  by Mr.Ramsay  and  two  of  his children  ten  years  later,  during  which,  however,  things  are  much  changed  and Mrs.Ramsay has died in the war-time. 
Mrs. Ramsay , the main character of the story, a typical late-Victorian woman of the upper-middle  class,  is  mainly  based  on  Woolf’s  mother,  Julia  Stephen.  In  To  the Lighthouse, she is an attractive character and is at the same time a complex one. Mrs. Ramsay  is a great woman; she perfectly plays all the roles that the society demands a woman  to play. She  is a  supportive wife; she  is a protective mother; she  is a popular hostess; and she  is a sociable  lady. She  is beautiful and she  is perfectly kind-hearted. However, she also has her own limitations and frailties. From the perspective of humanity, this paper aim to do a profound research of Mrs.
Ramsay’s  characteristics  and  the  practical  significances.  What  deserves  to  be mentioned here  is  that  the author gives a  specific understanding  and  statement of  the definition  of  humanity.  And  the  whole  study  is  made  according  to  the  specific definition  and  the  specific method.  In  this process, both Mrs. Ramsay’s  positive  and negative sides are discussed.
Keywords: To the Lighthouse; Mrs. Ramsay; Humanity 

