

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



本论文将从文化以及历史层面对中国龙和西方龙做一对比。论文主要分为以下几个方面:论文的第一部分是根据各种影视资料以及书中的描述,我们发现中国龙和西方龙在形象以及外貌上有很大的差距。第二部分深入的研究了龙的来源。第三部分阐述了中国龙和西方龙的象征意义也是截然不同,最后一部分具体说明由于对龙不同的理解,反应到影视作品中就会有不同故事的呈现以及不同龙文化的反应,电影中龙文化的差异反应的其实就是中西方文化的差异。根据这一系列的分析我们便得出结论,西方单词中的“Dragon” 并不是中国中的汉语“龙”,所以对中国龙和西方龙的分析以及研究就显得异常重要,只有明白这种龙文化的差异,才能避免西方对于中国龙文化有误的认知,避免文化冲突,更好的提高人们文化交际中的民族意识,避免文化冲突,促进中西方文化的交流。

关键词: 龙   外形   起源   文化
A Comparative Study on Western Dragon
and Chinese Long in Movies


     There are many differences between Long and dragon in the view of Chinese and westerners.
 In china, from the past, long is a auspicious complicated animal. The whole body of this animal is with many different characters such as dear’s horn, camel’s head and snake’s eyes which means good wealth and ethic harmony. Chinese people are proud of Chinese Long from ancient time till now. Long is the symbol of auspiciousness and authority. But in Western people’s eyes, the dragon is an evil animal. The source of dragon is from the Bible in which it is described as a red evil animal. It stands for evil and violence in western view.
This thesis is to make a comparison between Chinese Long and western dragon with the reference of the cultural and historical development of dragon in several stages. The first part of the thesis introduces different appearance of Chinese Long and western dragon. The second part talks about the origins of Chinese Long and western dragon. The third part has a deep study on the symbolic meaning of Chinese Long and western dragon. The last part reveals the influence that the different views of dragons have on people, especially the image of dragon in movies. The results turn out to be that Long in Chinese differs from dragon in English. So a complete analysis on dragon is essential. We have to learn about that difference to avoid cultural conflict and realize consensus.

Key words: Dragon(Long),   Appearance,   Origin,   Culture

