

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



存在主义是当代西方哲学中最具影响力的流派之一。它产生于一战时期,兴起于二战时期。它强调世界的荒诞性,人生的虚无性。与此同时,它又注重人的自由选择与行动。自从存在主义诞生以来,它影响了一批作家,海明威便是其中之一。本文试图以萨特的存在主义哲学为出发点,从“自为”、“爱情”、“存在先于本质”和“非理性选择,理性接受”等方面对该小说进行分析。《太阳照常升起》总体上采用的是存在主义的叙事方法。在人物性格刻划方面表现出萨特“存在先于本质”的观点,海明威对所有人物性格的揭示是反传统的,是通过“意识——人物心理状态和行为——自我”体现的。人物的性格是通过各自行为和事件“综合”出来的。小说主人公的大部分选择都是“非理性”的,但是他们最终都以理性的方式接受和承担其结果。 《太阳照常升起》是海明威用存在主义思想在文学上所做的一次“实验”,小说中的人物和事件都表现他的存在主义思想。

关键词: 自为   爱情   意识   存在主义   虚无

From the Perspective of Existentialism of Hemingway's 
The Sun Also Rises


Existentialism is one of the most influential philosophical schools in modern western philosophy. It emerged during the First World War period and revived during the Second World War period. It emphasizes the absurdity of the world and the nihility of human life. Meanwhile, it also stresses the importance of individual freedom of choice and action. Since existentialism first arises, it has a great influence on a group of writers, including Hemingway. Based on the Sartre’s existentialist positions of “Being-for-itself”, “love”, “existence precedes essence” and “irrational choice and rational acceptance”, this thesis is going to make an existentialism articulation of the novel. The overall narration of the novel is existential. In The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway employs the technique “existence precedes essence” in the depiction of the characters. All the characters of the protagonists are revealed not in the traditional way. They are revealed through the process of consciousness—psychic states and actions—Ego. Ego and personalities are synthesized by the protagonists’ actions and events. Most characters in the novel are irrational, but at last they rationally accept the results of the choices. The Sun Also Rises is an existential in literature conducted by Hemingway with existentialist ideas. All the characters and events reveal his existentialist ideas.

Key words: For-itself,   Love,   Consciousness,   Existentialism,   Nihility

