

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词: 殖民地时期   美国文学   黑色幽默
Humor in Colonial American Literature


     Humor is a vital element in American culture and American people are well-known for their strong sense of humor. It is of tremendous importance and necessity to search for the origin of American humor in order to have a better understanding of the American culture. Historically, American tradition of humor traces back to the nation’s very beginning, the colonial period, when the American people as well as their culture were taking shape. The tradition of humor in American literature has been shaped since the colonial period, and is closely related with the social backgrounds, national character, religion, philosophy and diverse culture. The right way to study black humor is to put it in the environment where it was born. During the colonial wars, the Americans have experienced too much, both physically and spiritually. At the end of the wars, they lost their homes, purposes and values of life. These were naturally reflected in the literature.
     The present thesis analyzes the black humor in American life and thought by focusing on the works of Joseph Heller and Kurt Vonnegut. This thesis includes five parts. The first part will introduce the main content of this thesis. The second part is the humor in American literature and its classification. The third part analyzes the black humor in the colonial American literature. The fourth part involves the deep influence of black humor on a variety of media. The last section is a summary of the whole paper

Key words:   Colonial Era   American Literature   Black Humor

