

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




Euphemism is a linguistic as well as a cultural phenomenon; it often appears in the process of human language using. In the communication, it is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression which may offend someone or suggest something unhappy or embarrassing. It can reduce the irritation of utterance, ease the tone of the conversation, and avoid directly demonstrated unpleasant or embarrassing things. Since euphemism is a useful and important part of English language, proper use of euphemism in English teaching can avoid, mitigate or even eliminate the conflicts between teacher and students, and make the teacher and students in a relatively harmonious atmosphere of mutual respect. It is very conducive to both teacher’s "teaching" and students’ "learning". This paper mainly focuses on the role of euphemism that plays in teaching and application so as to enhance the quality and improve the result of English teaching.
Key words: euphemism; English teaching; language phenomenon

