

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



卡勒德﹒胡塞尼,美籍阿富汗作家。他的小说《追风筝的人》讲述了一个关于孩子成长的选择对自己以后成长的影响的故事。作者通过描述敏感而缺乏安全感的阿米尔和善良的哈桑与他们的父亲之间的点点滴滴,为我们讲述一个关于爱、赎罪、友情等发人深思的话题。本文以马斯洛的需求层次原理作为理论依据,对比研究《追风筝的人》中两个不同身份地位的孩子的成长需求,分析孩子之间对友谊、对父爱、 对自我实现的不同需求,孩子成长过程中表现出来的生理、安全、爱和归属感、自尊以及自我实现的需求。从孩子的成长需求这个角度重读《追风筝的人》。

Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-born American novelist. The Kite Runner told a story about how choices that a child made in the childhood brought a great influence in his later life, and what kind of person one chooses to be is really playing an important role in his entire life. We can strongly felt the theme of love, guilt, redemption and friendship from a meaningful and noteworthy story among sensitive, coward Amir, virtuous, brave Hassan and their father. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the thesis conducts a comparative study about the growth needs of two children from different backgrounds, different existing circumstances and different statuses. The thesis analyzes the differences between the children’s needs of friendship, father’s love, self-fulfillment, security, belongs, self-esteem and physiological needs during their growing up. It tries to reread The Kite Runner from a view of the needs in children’s growth.

Key Words: Amir; Hassan; the Kite Runner; Maslow; Hierarchy of Needs

