

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



《少年维特的烦恼》出版于1774年,是歌德早年时期最重要的作品,它的出版也是德国文学史上一件划时代的大事。在《少年维特的烦恼》这本书中,大部分的内容都是主人公维特运用书信的形式来抒发自己内心的情感,而很少涉及自己爱恋的对象绿蒂,读者关注的重点大多都是放在维特这个人物的身上。该论文意在通过夏绿蒂所处的时代背景 、家庭环境以及感情生活,来分析夏绿蒂的人物性格特征,使绿蒂这一形象更加具体、鲜明,帮助读者更好的了解绿蒂在《少年维特的烦恼》中的形象。
The Sorrow of Young Werther published in 1774, it is the most important work of Goethe in his early age. Its publishing is also a landmark event in German literature history. In the book The Sorrow of Young Werther, most content of which is the protagonist Werther expressing his inner feelings by writing letters, and it talks about his love object Charlotte rarely. Readers focus mostly on the character Werther. Through analyzing the characteristic of Charlotte by looking at her era background, family environment and emotional life, the paper aims to let the image of Charlotte become more specific and distinct, helping readers understand the image of Charlotte in the The Sorrow of Young Werther well.

Key words: Charlotte; Werther; characteristic; image

