

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:认知模型理论(ICM); 认知模型(CM);红楼梦; 语言结构
Language structure can be analyzed not only by traditional objective linguistic theory. As one of the branches of cognitive linguistics, Idealized Cognitive Model Theory (ICM theory) admits the importance of subjective initiatives. The structure of concern, therefore, is no longer the structure of language forms but the conceptual structure behind forms.
According to ICM theory, this paper proposes that the diversity of cognitive models (CM) that change with time, space and people is responsible for the difficulty of translation; however, the representative nature of CMs points out where the breakthrough of translation can be made. By conducting a macro ICM analysis of the translation of three language systems of Hong Lou Meng and a micro analysis of the translation of the metaphor system of “Hong”, this paper has made two discoveries. First, any context, once conceptualized, can form an ICM whose CMs are highly selective, closely related and systematically structured; second, metaphor is the most typical case where the fundamental ICM exist with different CMs that are highlighted respectively to develop metaphorical/extended meanings. Eventually, this paper concludes that the accuracy of translation is primarily determined by whether the translator can catch the concept of ICM and then influenced by the efficiency of CM restoration. When the basic ICM is obtained, the more CMs the translation can restore, the more complete the ICM structure is, and thus the more accurate the translation is. This paper also sheds new light on “literal translation” and “free translation” from ICM theory.
This paper is a scientific application of the Idealized Cognitive Model Theory. On this theoretical basis, it proposes a different approach to the translation study of Hong Lou Meng. 

Key Words: Idealized Cognitive Model (ICM); Cognitive Model(CM) ; Hong Lou Meng; Language Structure

