

全文字数:9000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



《西厢记》在中国古典戏剧史上堪称经典,艺术精湛,思想深刻,文化内涵丰富,不仅是中国文学戏剧爱好者与学者热衷的研究对象,更是引起了众多西方读者的关注,许多英译本相继问世。在所有英译本中,许渊冲教授的译本和Stephen H. West 与 Wilt L. Idema合译的译本最受国内外读者认可。本文以这两个译本为研究对象,以胡庚申教授的生态翻译理论为理论基础,从语言的语言、交际与文化三个维度对两译本进行比较分析,具体说明译者在翻译过程中如何适应翻译生态环境并作出适应性选择。


Xixiang Ji, is regarded as one of the classic works in the history of Chinese classical drama. With exquisite art, profound idea and rich cultural connotation, Xixiang Ji has long been a preferred study object for many drama enthusiasts and scholars. Up to now, Xixiang Ji has also received considerable attention from western readers and has been translated into numerous English versions. Of all the English versions, the two renditions respectively by Xu Yuanchong and Stephen H. West & Wilt L. Idema have enjoyed most popularity. This thesis takes the two English versions as research objects while Eco-translatology as theoretical foundation to make an comparative analysis from the three dimensions of language, namely linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions and to study how  translators adapt to their own translational eco-environment and make adaptive selections in translation.
The whole thesis develops with five parts: first, a general introduction to the thesis; second, an introduction of the theoretical basis—Eco-translotology; third, an introduction of Xixiang Ji and its English versions; fourth, a case study on the application of eco-translatology in the two English versions, and finally a conclusion part. In spite of some limitations, this thesis carries theoretical and practical significance: firstly, Eco-translatology is implemented into application in this thesis; secondly, it provides a new perspective to the study of the English versions of Xixiang Ji; lastly, it can be taken as a case study to prove the feasibility of Eco-translatology.

Key words: Eco-translatology;Xixian Ji;Two English Versions

