

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



《月下独酌》是由我国唐朝诗人李白所作的一首五言古诗,不同于五言律诗的是, 其不讲究平仄,但讲究押韵, 尤其是押尾韵与内韵。上世纪许多学者对其尝试了英文翻译并提出了自己的翻译理论。本人通过对这些英文译本的调查,发现一些学者将其翻译成了有韵律的诗歌,而一些学者摆脱韵律的束缚将其翻译成了无韵散文。19世纪末期,英国剑桥大学教授Herbert A. Giles 翻译的《月下独酌》被许多学者如Lytten Strachey, Arthur Waley所赞赏,认为Herbert A. Giles能将词义与韵律巧妙地结合起来。我国翻译家许渊冲教授在1979年提出的诗歌翻译“三美”理论,即“意美”,“音美”,“形美”,在翻译界也引起了关注。许教授也对《月下独酌》进行了英文翻译,并将“三美”孕育其中。本人从韵律角度对Herbert A. Giles 和许渊冲所翻译的《月下独酌》英译本分析,发现这两个译本都将原诗翻译成了有韵律的英文诗歌,都讲究尾韵,内韵等,但韵脚有差异,韵律手法使用的频率也是不同的。
本文以五言古诗《月下独酌》及其两个英译本为例,分别由许渊冲和Herbert A.Giles所作,参照许渊冲教授提出的翻译三美论中的音美理论,即翻译唐诗的用韵密度和音似程度应与原诗相近,通过对两个英译本的比较,意在探讨在中国古代诗歌翻译成英文的过程中,韵律翻译的必要性和韵律翻译策略。希望本文可以对古代诗歌的韵律翻译提供一些有价值建议。

关键词:  韵律; 诗歌; 翻译; 音美; 押韵

A hot debate on the necessity of the versification translation has existed since long time ago. Some scholars think that it is versification that differs poetry from other literary forms. And versification must be embodied in translation versions. While other scholars argue that Chinese and English have too many divergences. Stressing too much on versification is a kind of shackle.
Yue Xia Du Zhuo is created by Li Bai in Tang Dynasty. What makes it differ from Lv Shi is that it does not conduct Ping and Ze. However it stresses on rhyme. Many scholars have tried to translate it and put forward their own translation theories. By reviewing those English versions, some scholars translated it into a musical poem but some translated it into a prose free from versification. At the end of 19th century, Herbert A. Giles, a professor of Cambridge, translated it into English and his English version was appreciated by Lytten Strachey, Arthur Waley and so on. And they said he integrated the meaning of words and versification together perfectly. Xu Yuanchong put forward “three beauties” theory which got great concern in the field of translation in 1979. And he also translated Yue Xia Du Zhuo into English. Comparing the two English versions from the perspective of versification, we could find the frequency of rhyme and versification techniques are different.
In this essay, the Chinese five-character poem Yue Xia Du Zhuo and its two English versions,created by Xu Yuanchong and Herbert A. Giles, will be taken as examples. By referring to melopoeia put forward by Proff. Xu Yuanchong, and by making a comparison, we try to investigate the necessity of versification translation. Besides we try to figure out better translation strategies on versification. May this essay can put forward some valuable suggestion for Chinese ancient poetry translation.

Key Words: versification;  poetry;  translation;  melopoeia;  rhyme

