

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



随着全球经济的一体化,来自全世界的企业逐渐越来越多的参与到国际贸易当中,来自各种文化、背景的贸易商之间有着越来越多的贸易活动。在对外贸易中,外贸函电是双方乃至各方沟通信息的最基本的途径之一。 随着互联网技术的高速发展和物流业效率的提升,人们可以通过快递或电子邮件迅速地同贸易伙伴取得联系,这种便利使得越来越多的使用外贸英语函电的方式进行国际贸易交流。考虑到外贸英语函电使用的广泛性以及在国际商务活动中的重要影响作用,商务人士有必要具备能够书写高质量、高效率的外贸英语函电。

关键词:外贸英语函电,语言特点,7Cs 原则,5 Ws原则
Lexical Features of the Business English Correspondence

With the development of economy globalization, more and more enterprises and businessmen from all over the world and different cultures are getting involved in international trade and business. In international business and trade, business English correspondence is one the most basic communication methods for the both parties or even for all parties. As we all know, internet technology and logistic management are both development at an amazing speed. So people can receive a letter much sooner than before. This convenience makes more people choose written communication as their business communication tool. Considering the frequency of business English correspondence used and its huge influence in international trade and business activities, we should have the ability to write a high-quality business English letter.
     This paper focuses on the keys to write business English letters of high quality. Firstly, it discusses the lexical features of business English correspondence from two aspects. The first one is to summarize the lexical features through comparing Business English and General English. The second aspect is to analyze the features of the words that are frequently used in Business English correspondence. After figuring out the lexical features, we summarize the principles we should pay attention to while writing a business English letter.

Key words: Business English Correspondence, Lexical features, 7 Cs principles, 5 Ws principles

