

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要: 《哈利·波特与魔法石》是哈利·波特系列丛书的第一本,是由 J.K.罗琳所著。自出版以来,它广受欢迎,读者年龄从十岁到四十岁不等。由于它的成功,学者从不同角度对它做了研究:既有传统文学批评方面的评价,也有把它作为一种文化现象进行的宗教学、文化人类学的阐释,还有对于书中反映的中世纪欧洲巫术历史的探讨。
关键词: 《哈利·波特与魔法石》 ,J·K·罗琳,叙事结构,聚焦,叙事时间

An Analysis of the Narrative Strategies of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Abstract: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’ s Stone is the first novel in the Harry Potter series written by J. K. Rowling. It becomes a hit in the market since its publication. Its readers’ age ranges from 10 to 60. In order to find the secret of its success, scholars have done researches from different perspectives. Their researches are based on different theories: some discuss from traditional literature critics; some consider the plot of the book as a cultural phenomenon and explain its meaning according to religion and Culture Anthropology; some study the history of European witchcraft appeared in the book.
Narratology is a kind of theory used to analyze novels. So far, nearly no one has done research on Harry Potter and the Philosopher’ s Stone from the perspective of Narratology. To fill in the blank, this paper is going to research from three perspectives, narrative structure, focalization, narrative time and space in order to find how theme growth is expressed and appreciate the artistic effects Rowling creates with narrative methods.
Through research, the author finds: first, in narrative structure, Rowling adopts and modifies traditional folktale’s narrative structure to arrange Harry’s adventure, and her arrangement for inner structure has deepened theme love and growth; second,her shifting focalization conveys story background , character settings, shows the hero’s psychology, and creates suspense, which makes the story attractive; third, in narrative time and space, Rowling applies summary and pause to speed up or slow down narration which help to stress the point, and she uses interaction between material space and psychological space to create a magical world within our reach.
All in all, various narrative methods are applied in writing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’ s stone. With these methods, a magical and vivid magic world is created and attracts many teenagers and adults to take an adventure. These methods take an important part in expressing theme growth. And in the course of growth, the concepts love, courage and growth are conveyed and have educational effects on readers.
Keywords: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’ s Stone, J. K. Rowling, narrative structure, focalization, narrative time

