

全文字数:5500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



作为世界上翻译成的语种最多、发行量最大的书,《圣经》被人称为“万书之王”(book of books)。在西方社会,圣经文化意义深远,它不仅是基督教(这篇文章中的基督教专指基督新教)的经典著作,还是一部博大精深的百科全书;其影响力不再局限于宗教的范围,可以说,它已经渗透到西方政治、经济、文化、艺术、哲学、法律以及社会生活的各个方面,对西方文明的形成与发展起到了举足轻重的作用。

An Analysis of the Religious Elements in the Films via Semiotic Theory: an Example of Movie The Matrix
Abstract: The Bible is called the Book of Books because it is translated into the most different kinds of language and has the most widely circulation. In the western world, the culture of the Bible is far-reaching. It is not only a classical work of Christian (In this article the Christian specifically refers to Christian Protestant.), but also a profound encyclopedia. The influence of the Bible is not just limited to the religious sphere. We can say it has penetrated into all aspects of Western political, economic, cultural, artistic, philosophical, legal, and social life.
The Bible is an access to understand the thinking models of Western world, a mirror of Western politic, culture, economic and other fields of social phenomena. This religious text has spread around for thousands of years and has its unique value system rooted in Western thought. Therefore, a careful study of the Bible and grasping the concept of deep-seated meaning is helpful for English learners to further understand Western society, learn the essence of Western culture, and make cross-cultural communication processes more comfortably.
This paper analyses the religious elements in the movies based on the Semiotics. Here takes The Matrix for an example. There are three main parts in the movie The Matrix we can find the religious elements. They are the characters’ names, the scenes and the narrative structure. This is a combination of the religion and modern technique.
Besides, this is an effective method for the people when learning Bible and western culture.  

Keywords: Bible;Religion;Movies; Semiotics

