

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



亨利.大卫.梭罗是美国19世纪最伟大的超验主义作家,也是第一位自然阐述者。《瓦尔登湖》是一部颂扬人与自然和谐,呼吁环境保护的独特作品。论文分三部分对上述问题进行了分析。第一章,主要讨论梭罗自然意识的形成背景,即19世纪超验主义,康科德镇,梭罗素朴生活的个人追求。第二章,主要探讨人与自然相融的关系。 第三章,主要分析梭罗对于人与自然和谐关系的思考。通过对《瓦尔登湖》散文集的具体分析,在当今物欲横流的社会,生态环境日益遭到破坏,造成了严重的社会精神危机,梭罗所倡导的简单而节制的生活为我们提供了独特的审视视角,人们在认识自己,完善自我的同时,也治愈了地球,人类才能共享人与自然和谐共处生活。


Henry David Thoreau is the 19th century American Transcendentalist writer and the first saint for environmental protection. Walden is the glorification of harmonious relationship between Human and Nature, and the calling for environmental protection. The above problems are studied in the four chapters of the thesis. The first chapter mainly analyzes the origin of Thoreau’s nature consciousness, which contains New England transcendentalism, the concord and the pursuit of individual development. The second chapter focuses on the description of the ideal state of the relationship between Human and Nature. The third chapter seeks to discuss the harmonious human-nature relationship.  The fourth chapter is the conclusion, restating the theme of the paper.

Key word:  harmonious; nature; Walden

