

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



在揭露了种族歧视和男性至上主义等问题的同时,小说在描写许多妇女的性格时,着重反映了沃克的妇女主义。《紫色》跳脱了以往黑人小说中揭露种族歧视带来的痛苦与仇恨,把视点放在了黑人男女间的家庭关系和男权大压迫以及在男权社会中女性争取作为人基本的权利与尊严。勇敢、独立的女性们渐渐觉醒,用时间、用血泪、用毅力、用爱情、用一生和命运斗争,来反抗这不平等的世界来争取自身的自由。《紫色》中娜蒂、索菲亚、桑亚茉莉三位妇女,大胆的跳出了传统对她们苛刻禁锢的牢笼。对于这三个人物的描写,更加充分的体现了沃克的思想。从西莉的逃跑行为来看她的反抗意识的觉醒,从索菲亚的暴力行为来看她作为黑人女性的自我反抗意识,从桑亚茉莉选择结婚的行为来看她对女性意识的觉醒。她们的精神由麻木到觉醒、由反抗到独立、由自主到获得与男子平等的地位的人生奋斗经历体现了黑人女性对双重压迫的反抗和对完整自我及完美生活的渴望与追求。《紫色》是女性文学作品,很显然在这部作品中,男性对于女性的独立与自主是持否定态度的, 而且可以说是深恶痛绝又心惊胆战。《紫色》的价值不仅在于它本身的艺术成就,还在于它表达了对生命的热爱,宣传了种族平等和男女平等的思想。通过对小说人物西莉的了解,我们最终能够更好的理解小说的主题和艺术价值。

关键词:紫色 ;黑人妇女 ;女性意识 ; 觉醒

Alice Walker is one of the most outstanding black women writers in American Literature. The Color Purple, published in 1982, is considered as her representative work. Alice Walker contemporary African-American black literary fields . As a black feminist , she never stops speaking for the victims of racism : women , children , animals and nature , and devotes herself to the fights for the equal rights of all .thus , most of her works concentrate on such issues as the dilemma of black people, the muted group of black women , ecology.Alice Walker regarded achieving racial equality and women liberation as her life career, which was greatly reflected in the novel The Color Purple. The novel deeply analyzed the double oppression of black women, which were racism and sexism and revealed the barriers of black women awakening and liberation.It encouraged black women to wake up and fight for selfhood. It expanded the struggle for the black women’s equal rights. The novel exposed the black men and the white people’s oppression and discrimination to black women. This thesis will analyze how the black women characters in The Color Purple seek self-identity under the two oppressions from and the reason of their awakening.  The specific contents will be divided into four chapters. Chapter one is the Literature Review part, which introduces the basic information about Alice Walker and her most famous novel The Color Purple. Chapter Two is Female character image analysis .Chapter three focuses on the double oppression that the black women suffer, which are the sexual discrimination and oppression from the black men. Chapter four emphasizes the awakening and liberation of black women . Chapter five is those black women’s Struggle with the fate. Chapter six is the conclusion part which delivers a summary and restates the theme of this thesis .
Key words: Alice Walker, The Color Purple, black women, awakening, resistance  

