

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Of all the popular products, none is more profoundly etched in our collective imagination than movies. Movie is a carrier of culture which offers a window into cultural and social history. The movie A Perfect World reflects many aspects of the American society and culture, profoundly reflects the problems of real social life in the United States. An imperfect reality is revealed through a perfect imagination. The film reflects many elements of the American society and culture, such as single-parent family, religion, festivals and children’s education. This essay will help us to get better understanding of American multiculturalism reflected in the movie A Perfect World.
Key words: America; multiculturalism; A Perfect World

摘要:没有一种流行产物能像电影那样深刻的反映出人类的思想。电影是文化的载体,是反映文化和社会历史的窗户。电影《完美的世界》反映了的美国社会文化的多个方面, 深刻地反应出美国现实社会生活中的问题。 从想象中的完美世界中展示了不完美的现实。影片折射了美国社会文化中单亲家庭,宗教信仰,风俗节日、儿童教育等多种元素。这篇论文有助于我们更好地理解电影《完美的世界》中折射出的美国文化多元主义。

