

全文字数:6000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



体育文化是人类文化的一部分。它常常被人们所忽略。伴随着经济的发展,人们有了更多的时间来运动。这就导致人们真正的把体育文化当成一个课题来研究。然而,并非所有的体育文化都是相同的。中国和西方国家有着完全不同的体育文化。作者首先讨论了体育文化的定义并且分别介绍了中国和西方的体育文化。随后指出了中西方体育文化在发展途径、文化性格和外在追求方面存在差异。第三,分析了不同的差异来源于中国和西方国家历史传统、社会体系、文化背景和地理环境的不同。 最后,本文试着找出一些可行的方法使体育文化更加的辉煌。这篇文章通过指出中西方体育文化的不同,使体育文化之间取长补短,最终实现文化的共同繁荣。

关键词:体育文化   中国体育文化   西方体育文化   对比
Comparison and Contrast on the Sports Culture
Between China and West countries


     Sports culture is a part of human culture, but it is always ignored by people. With the development of economy, people have more time to do some exercise in recent years. This leads people to study sports culture as a real subject. However, not all sports cultures are the same all over the world. China and western countries have totally different sports culture. The author first discusses the definition of sports culture and something about Chinese and western sports culture. Secondly, the author points out Chinese sports culture and western sports culture have differences in development approach, culture characteristics and external pursuits. Thirdly, the author analyzes the reasons for the differences from historical traditions, social systems, cultural backgrounds and geographical environment. Lastly, the author tries to find some possible ways to make the whole world’s sports culture brilliant. This paper aims to point out the differences between Chinese and western sports culture, help people learn from each other, and ultimately help achieve common prosperity of culture.
Key words: Sports culture,   Chinese sports culture,   Western sports culture ,     

