

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



本文作者对埃德加•爱伦•坡的四篇短篇小说《黑猫》、《陷阱与钟摆》、《厄舍府的倒塌》以及《泄密的心》中的哥特主义进行了研究, 认为爱伦•坡在借鉴前辈所创作的哥特文学之精髓的基础上, 推动了哥特文学的发展及其创新, 贡献巨大且意义深远。
与传统小说不同, 坡改变了传统的创作定式思维, 开创了心理分析的先河, 并将恐怖意境根植于读者心中。坡小说中的人物不仅仅是魔幻世界中被动的受害者或噩梦般经历的目睹者, 更是其恐怖意境的制造者和加剧者, 其身处的梦魇和困境不过是他们头脑中幻想的产物。坡将古老的德国哥特传统与现代主义的写作手法相结合, 使中世纪的恐怖美学在当代文学中得以延续和发展。与十八世纪哥特文学相比, 坡的小说基调更为阴郁, 反映的主题更加黑暗。坡在文学创造中主强“创新”,其小说的死亡主题以及艺术成就巧妙地体现了坡小说的独特性及预期的恐怖魅力。

关键词:埃德加•爱伦•坡   哥特元素   哥特式写作技巧   人物刻画
Multi-angle Analysis of the Gothic Characteristics of Allan Poe’s Short Stories


This paper is devoted to the condensed study of gothic characters in Poe’s four short classics, The Black Cat, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Fall of the House of Usher and William Wilson. Despite Poe’s seemingly inheritance from some literary forebears, his contribution and innovation for the literary subgenre is profound and significant.
Poe intends to psychologize the Gothic and has commenced to modify the traditional Gothic relationship, in which the direction of horrifying averts from outside to inside, from setting to self. The characters are more likely creative originator of the terrifying rather than passive victims or witnesses of their appalling plight, while the circumstances are merely the products of their imaginative mind. It is with Poe that the old “German” Gothic is finally brought into the contemporary setting. Darker and gloomier than the 18th century Gothic, Poe’s performance for novelty in composition for the theme of death achieves the uniqueness of his Gothic stories.
This paper will discuss and analyze some of Poe’s works and techniques he uses in his short stories. The first part is the introduction, which give a brief introduction of the "Gothic", the themes and the characteristics of Allan Poe's stories. And the second part mainly describes and analyzes Edgar Allan Poe and gothic literature. The third part discusses the gothic elements in Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories. The forth part analyzes gothic writing skills of Allan Poe’s short stories from different aspects. The fifth part is the conclusion, summarizing Edgar Allan Poe’s artistic achievements.

Key words: Edgar Allan Poe,   Gothic elements,   Gothic writing technique, Characterization

