

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


Morbid Sensibility against Normal Sensibility in Dracula
Abstract:Dracula is the best known novel of Irish author Bram Stoker, which probes deeply into human identity, sanity, and the dark corners of Victorian sexuality and desire. The novel, Dracula is framed in the context of journal entries and letters written by several narrators, newsthesis clippings, etc.. Everybody must have experienced at least once the myth of it in any form: film, television or book. Grounded on this novel, film Dracula(also known as Bram Stoker's Dracula) was produced and directed by Francis Ford Coppola in 1992, which mainly depicts the sensibilities between Dracula, Mina and Jonathan.
    In this thesis, first, the author will give a introduction about the author, the original book and the film in 1992. Next according to description of the original book and performance of the film in 1992, this thesis makes a study of the three main protagonists' character, status and belief, which have great influence on their attitudes toward sensibilities. In the view of a normal person, on the basis of knowledge of fundamental sociology and psychology, such as the theory of psychologist Sigmund Freud and Abraham H. Maslow, this thesis divides the story into two parts in terms of time line, looking into the essence. Then it will define what is morbidity and normality and analyse the sensibilities between them to determine whether it is morbid or normal.
After that, this thesis explains why people tend to feel much sympathy for dracual and support the sensibility between human and vampire. That is because of esthetic sense of human beings. Then the thesis enumerates some sorts of beauty that the audiences can find in the book and movie.
    Taking these sensibilities in Dracula as examples, by analysing the nature of the sensibilities and why morbid sensibility prevails over normal sensibility in the audiences' heart, one can draw a conclusion and find out what fantasy is and what reality is, what morbidity is and what normality is, and distinguish fantasy from reality. The analyses on the sensibilities are mainly based on the plot of the film.
Keywords:Morbid sensibility; Normal sensibility; Death; Esthetic sense

