

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



近年来,随着英语日益为全社会所重视,英语教学从幼儿开始已经成为一种趋势。 但是幼儿对于英语的学习兴趣随着语言学习的升级有逐渐下降的趋势。而通过游戏教学,他们总是积极参与,领悟学习的喜悦,这对于儿童的终身学习是非常有益的。首先,本文从幼儿的认知发展能力阐明游戏在幼儿英语教学中的意义和在课堂教学中如何使用游戏。其次,作者从Mickey 和Rainbow班对比教学实验,两个班由同一教师执教,用同一教材,但使用不同的方法,Mickey是游戏教学法教学,而在Rainbow使用传统教学法,进行三个月的实验,最后通过数据,发现使用游戏是幼儿英语教学的理想模式。


In recent years, as the importance of English teaching is greatly valued by the whole society, English teaching has become tendency from young children. However, the most serious problem is that there is a trend that the more difficult English learning is, the less interest students have. Game teaching makes students actively participate in classroom learning, by which they will experience the joy of learning, which is very beneficial to children’lifelong learning. Firstly, the thesis clarifies the significance of games in children’ English teaching and how to use game in class from the young children’s cognitive of the development. Secondly, the author selects two classes as Mickey class and Rainbow class in Pre -school. The same teacher teaches the two classes and uses the same teaching materials, but different methods, game teaching in the Mickey class, traditional way in the Rainbow. Through the data, the researcher finds that game teaching is an ideal teaching model in pre- schools.

Key Words: game teaching; pre-school English; game teaching strategy 

